Shatika Sali Pinda Sweda/ssps

Shatika Sali Pinda Sweda/ssps

Medicated rice is to be filled into a pottali should be massaged over body in warm condition. Shashtika Shali Pinda Sweda (SSPS), an amazing therapy of swedana which is preceded  by Abhyanga, using a preparation of a special type of rice harvested in  60 days, is useful in treating kapha and vata disorders, Paralysis, body pain , muscle stiffness, Neurological and Neuro-muscular disorders. an eminent rejuvenator, it is also known to treat delayed milestone in children.


• Removes tiredness

• Enhancer of good sleep

• Increases agni

•       stimulates nerves system 

• Relieves pain 

• Makes skin smooth and shiny

• Removes stiffness of the joint 

• Offers strength

• Nourishes body

very much beneficial in paralysis treatment

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